Untitled Space Game is a 2D planet defense adventure where you protect Earth from aliens using missiles and power-ups. This game combines mechanics from Space Invaders and Asteroids into a single project, with a twist – you'll navigate in a circular motion around the planet, adding a unique element to the gameplay.
My Contributions:
Pixel Art Style:
Created all the in-game assets, including characters, enemies, power-ups, and the Earth, in a 2D pixel art style.
Designed and animated the power-ups in the game, making them visually appealing and distinctive.
Dynamic World Design:
Developed a unique and visually captivating game world that spun on the y-axis, with parts of the world dipping in and out of view, adding a sense of depth and dynamism to the game environment.
Unity Particle Effects:
Utilized Unity to design and implement various particle effects, enhancing the gaming experience. This included creating particle effects for enemy deaths, making them satisfying and visually engaging.
Starry Background:
Crafted the starry background using particle effects, contributing to the overall space theme and ambiance of the game.
UI Design:
Designed the user interface (UI) elements, including menus, HUD, and other graphical components to ensure a seamless and intuitive player experience.
Thematic Consistency:
Ensured that all art assets, animations, and UI elements remained consistent with the arcade game theme, paying homage to classic titles like Contra and Super Mario Bros.
Contributed to Immersive Experience:
Collaborated with the team to create an immersive gaming experience that retained the spirit of the original arcade games while adding a fresh and engaging twist.